Shoulder Products

This page is for surgeons looking for fixation options for Proximal Humerus and Clavicle Fractures.

Clavicle Plates

The APTUS Clavicle System provides surgeons with a versatile and anatomical solution to treat mid shaft and lateral fractures, osteotomies, malunions, and non-unions of the clavicle.  The system includes solutions for superior and anterior clavicle plating.  A flexible suture retrieval and fixation system can be added to the superior lateral plates to address affected CC ligaments.  The efficient and user-oriented system is backed up with easy to use instrumentation and innovative features to live up to its attention to stability.

For more information on the Clavicle Plate System, click this link.

Proximal Humerus Plates

The Proximal Humerus System focuses simplicity without compromising surgical options.  The asymmetrical plate shape facilitates straightforward fixation of the greater tubercle.  Additionally, the spiral blade option maximizes support of the cal car region.  Diverging screw orientation and suture holes complete the offering for stable bone and soft tissue fixation.

For more information on the Proximal Humerus Plate System, click this link.